Lattice March Xo2 CPLD 所能输出的最大电流和最大功率是多少?-Lattice-莱迪斯社区-FPGA CPLD-ChipDebug

Lattice March Xo2 CPLD 所能输出的最大电流和最大功率是多少?

Lattice March Xo2 CPLD 所能输出的最大电流和最大功率是多少?
我从Lattice March Xo2 CPLD的datasheet手册找到了这段话,但是怎么理解这段话呢?

4.For electromigration, the average DC current sourced or sinked by I/O pads between two consecutive VCCIO or GND pad connections, or between the last VCCIO or GND in an I/O bank and the end of an I/O bank, as shown in the Logic Signal Connections table (also shown as I/O grouping) shall not exceed a maximum of n * 8 mA. “n” is the number of I/O pads between the two consecutive bank VCCIO or GND connections or between the last VCCIO and GND in a bank and the end of a bank. IO Grouping can be found in the Data Sheet Pin Tables, which can also be generated from the Lattice Diamond software.
