source $TELENV
### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.### Please do not modify to the
end of the file.### Place your hand edits above this section.###
set autosave_time = 10set autosave
set roaminc = 96set buttonfactor = 1.000000set ads_sdmcad = output
set dump_library_directory = output
set ads_sdart = gerber
set ads_sdplot = output
set ads_sdreport = output
set ads_sdlog = output
# alias# May use function keys F2-F12, most Alphanumberic keys with control # modifier (although Control –
C, V and X are reserved for copy, paste and cut)# and Navigation Keys
(Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) These items may be modifed# by the follow
ing:# Modifier Indicator
Example# Shift S SF2 #
Control C (function keys) CF2# Control
~ (alpha-numeric) ~N# Meta A
AF2# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples: # CSF2
Control-Shift F2# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2# CAF2
Control-Meta F2# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2#
~SZ Control-Shift Z# SUp ShiftUp Arrow# CUp ControlUp Arrow## funckey# use the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeri
c keys operate# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Alle
gro canvas.#
# Example —
following starts the move command without a Enter key# funckey m
# Bind roam operations to function keysset roamInc = 96alias Up
“roam y -$roamInc”alias Down “roam y $roamInc”alias Left “r
oam x -$roamInc”alias Right “roam x $roamInc”# Bind incremental pi
ck by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift–
arrow keys alias CUp “ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1″alias CDo
wn “ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1″alias CLeft “ipick 0; ip
ick_to_gridunit -1″alias CRight “ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1″ali
as SUp “move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1″alias SDown “move; ip
ick_to_gridunit 0 -1″alias SLeft “move; ipick_to_gridunit -1″alia
s SRight “move; ipick_to_gridunit +1″# example of a funckey to emu
late Layout capability# The “-
cursor” option can be added to any Allegro command with the pick famil
ty# and we utilize the position under the cursor when the command is e
“zoom center; pick -cursor”#——————————————
# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don’t use itfun
ckey Q oops
funckey q oops
funckey W add connect
funckey w add connect
funckey S slide
funckey s slide
funckey M move
funckey m move
funckey N next
funckey n next
funckey R angle 90 funckey r angle 90 funckey T add text
funckey t add text
funckey l add line
funckey L add line
funckey e done
funckey E done
funckey d toggle
funckey D toggle
funckey ‘ ‘ angle 45 alias vb spread between voids
alias ~E text edit
alias ~Z undo
alias ~F mirror #top bottom
alias ~M show measure
alias ~T rats all
alias ~Y unrats all
alias ~G Define grid
alias ~D Spin
alias ~H hilight pick
alias ~J grid toggle
alias ~L layer priority
alias ~N new
alias ~O open
alias ~Q change
alias ~S save
alias ~U dehilight all
alias ~W rats net
alias ~P Plot
alias Esc cancel
alias Del delete
alias Pgup zoom in
alias Pgdown zoom out
alias Insert zoom previous
alias Home zoom fit
alias End redraw
alias F2 status
alias F3 color192
alias F4 prmed #Design Parameter Editor
alias F6 define layersets #layer set
alias F7 vertex
alias F8 delay tune
alias F9 custom smooth
alias F10 create fanout
funckey SF2 unfix
funckey ~SC zcopy shape
funckey fn ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find nets YES;s
etwindow pcb’ #select net
funckey fs ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find symbols YE
S;setwindow pcb’ #symbol8
funckey fv ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find vias YES;s
etwindow pcb’ #via
funckey fp ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find pins YES;s
etwindow pcb’ #pin
funckey fh ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find shapes YES
;setwindow pcb’ #shapes
funckey fa ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_on;’ #select any
funckey fc ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find clines YES
;setwindow pcb’ #clines
funckey fe ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find clines seg
s YES;setwindow pcb’ #clines
funckey ff ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find figures YE
S;setwindow pcb’ #figures
funckey fg ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find groups YES
;setwindow pcb’ #groups
funckey fr ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find ratsnests
YES;setwindow pcb’ #ratsnests
funckey ft ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find text YES;s
etwindow pcb’ #text
funckey fl ‘setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find lines YES;
setwindow pcb’ #line
funckey + subclass -+funckey – subclass –#—————————
—————————————–# OTHER ALIASES
alias edps padedit
alias rps “replace padstack”alias unplrp report unplaced
alias x pick
alias y pick l
alias ix ipick
alias iy ipick 0alias reopen ‘open -q $module’alias revert ‘open –
q $module’# autoroamalias sar set pcb_autoroam
alias uar unset pcb_autoroam
alias reopen ‘open –
q $module’alias bubset ‘settoggle shove_mode Off “Hug preferred” “Shov
e preferred”; options bubble_space $shove_mode’alias ~B bubset
alias smoothset ‘settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smoot
h_level $smooth_mode’alias ~C smoothset
# COMMAND DEFAULTS# allow slide to work on arcs by defaultset slide_ar
cs# Compatibility aliasesalias window zoom
alias hilite hilight
alias dehilite dehilight
alias pickx pick
alias picky pick l
alias ipickx ipick
alias ipicky ipick 0alias cdnshelp cdsdoc
# MOUSE WHEEL SUPPORT # Environment Variables –
Note quote variables so they are evaluated# at button time not
when this file is read.# –
_wheelcnt variable is set based upon number of detents wheel moved#
range is -4 to 4 (no 0)# –
sx1 and sy1 are cursor coordinates when wheel is moved
## Button values# wheel_up: when wheel is moved up# wheel_down:
when wheel is moved down# wheel:
up/down if either of above 2 buttons are not assigned#
# Keyboard modifiers (note we are case insensitive)# S –
for wheel button assignment with both shift & control keys## Button f
actor may be factorion (e.g. 0.5)set buttonfactor = 1button wheel_up “
roam y -$roamInc”button wheel_down “roam y $roamInc”button Cwheel_up “
zoom in $buttonfactor”button Cwheel_down “zoom out $buttonfactor”butto
n Swheel_up “roam x -$roamInc”button Swheel_down “roam x $roamInc”# Un
it: mmset BGA1_27 = 1.27set BGA2_0 = 2.0set BGA3_0 = 3.0alias Up ipick
0 $BGA1_27
alias Down ipick 0 -$BGA1_27
alias Left ipick -$BGA1_27 0alias Right ipick $BGA1_27 0alias CUp ipic
k 0 $BGA2_0
alias CDown ipick 0 -$BGA2_0
alias CLeft ipick -$BGA2_0 0alias CRight ipick $BGA2_0 0alias SUp ipic
k 0 $BGA3_0
alias SDown ipick 0 -$BGA3_0
alias SLeft ipick -$BGA3_0
alias SRight ipick $BGA3_0
set menupath = D:\FPM\util D:\Cadence\Cadence_SPB_17.4-
2019\share\local\pcb\menus D:\Cadence\Cadence_SPB_17.4-
set bmppath = D:\FPM\util D:\Cadence\Cadence_SPB_17.4-
2019\share\local\pcb\icons D:\Cadence\Cadence_SPB_17.4-
set psmpath = . symbols .. ../symbols d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/local/pcb/symbols d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/pcb/pcb_lib/symbols d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/pcb/allegrolib/symbols E:/06_Cadence_Project/05_CADENCE_LIB
/05.Allegro_PCB_LIB E:/06_Cadence_Project/05_CADENCE_LIB/05.Allegro_PC
B_LIB/INDUCTOR D:/Cadence/SPB_Data/cdssetup/OrCAD_Capture/17.4.0/downl
set padpath = . symbols .. ../symbols d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/local/pcb/padstacks d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/pcb/pcb_lib/symbols d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/pcb/allegrolib/symbols E:/06_Cadence_Project/05_CADENCE_LIB
/05.Allegro_PCB_LIB E:/06_Cadence_Project/05_CADENCE_LIB/05.Allegro_PC
B_LIB/INDUCTOR D:/Cadence/SPB_Data/cdssetup/OrCAD_Capture/17.4.0/downl
set steppath = . step ../step d:/cadence/cadence_spb_17.4-
2019/share/local/pcb/step E:/06_Cadence_Project/05_CADENCE_LIB/04.3D M
odel lib D:/Cadence/SPB_Data/cdssetup/OrCAD_Capture/17.4.0/downloaded_