已解决lattice FPGA crosslink怎样做仿真?wuzhihua23年前更新5381请教一下用了diamond软件里面自带的MIPI-DPHY这个IP,这个IP只生成了一个NGO和一个.v的声明文件,芯片是crosslink,该怎么做仿真呢? FPGAlatticeMODELSIM
1) Compile the Lattice Semiconductor Libraries from Lattice Diamond Software
a. Open the project Lattice Diamond Software
b. Go to TCL Console, type the below command and press the enter key.
cmpl_libs -sim_path C:/modeltech_10.0a/win32 -target_path c:/lattice_libs
note:- “C:/modeltech_10.0a/win32” is the directory where ModelSim executable file is available. “C:/modeltech_10.0a/win32”路径部分根据实际情况需要调整
note:- “c:/lattice_libs” is the directory where the compiled libraries and modelsim.ini file to be located.
c. The Diamond will start compiling libraries for ModelSim. The Diamond UI may not respond during the compilation. So please wait until the Diamond shows “Libraries are located in C:/lattice_libs and modelsim.ini is updated.”
start ModelSim as a standalone application, you have to create a new project.(使用后边的.do版本可以直接省略添加库文件这几步)
i) Select File -> New -> Project.
ii) Give a project name, specify the simulation directory. Brows and choose the ‘modelsim.ini’ file from C:/lattice_libs (This file is needed to copy all Lattice Library mappings) as shown in figure 1. Click the OK button.
iii) Go to Library and check whether lifmd libraries are available or not. Refer figure2.